Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hello everybody

Well, the last thursday we made in class a trip for London. I do not know nothing of London because the place that appeared in the page for me was unknow, this made my decision at the moment choose the places that I would visit was dificult. 

After of seeing all places that were in the page, I was surprise the big number of museum in London, and more I was surprise when I saw that the ticket in some museum was free. It's fantastic! I would like have the possibility of travel to London and know the most number of museum. Besides I think when visit some place is necesary know the most place that are to our liking, because I put other place that would visit, how for example some stadium or skatepark. 

I think this activity serves much for practice the english, because we had search websites or in google where are the place, the price of this, what something have and the attention schedule. Besides this job was very entertaiment, because one can know a few more of the London and England. 


Friday, July 1, 2016

Shutter Island

Hello everybody

Today I going to talk about the film Shutter Island. This movie of the genre psychological Thriller and narrate the history of two federal agents that go to a psychiatric hospital for make a investigation. They agents go to the hospital bacause there are a patient who has escaped.

Along the movie "Teddy", one of the feredal agent" believes that in the bluff there is something strange, because for this place he does not have authorization to enter. Besides in his dream appear his wife saying that in the bluff happened something strange.  

Teddy started his search walking go to bluff. In this road he found the lost patient. She told him that in the hospital experienced drougs in the patient. Teddy when arrival to the bluff he found the doctor of the hospital, who explained what happened. In really Teddy killer his wife, wife who before had killed a him 4 children, and Teddy was a patient more the hospital. In this moment the federal agent recalled everything that happened, but never return to the normality. He was a crazy more...

In this movie the principal character, Teddie, is acted for Leonardo DiCaprio, and is a great job. I remember that the first time that I saw this movie was in the beach, but I didn´t watched since start, because I didn't understood nice. Before, I think watched this movie 3 or 4 times, and always I found new details or curious facts. Is a movie very crazy.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Hello friends

Well, today i going to talk about of the my favorite band, this is Nofx. I will never forgot the first day that I listened Nofx. I have how 10 or 11 years old and one friends have in their cellular a song called "Dinosaurs will die -  Nofx", I listened this song and immediately I liked. The next days I started download song of nofx in "Ares". My love for this band with along the time was growing.

This band of punk rock have song of much theme, but especially politics and social critique. Thanks the lyrics of this song when little I started ask me much things that happened in my environment. For example, why EEUU  fought in "medio oriente"or why the things always are same. Ask that for a children of 13-14 years old are very interesting and difficult of answer.

Since of 11 years old I was waiting eager can see in live this band. It's was a great and beatiful dream, and in the 2012 this dream was reality. I remember how inisted to my fathers for They gave me permission to travel to Santiago and I see Nofx in live. When I was buy the ticket for the show my happiness it's was indescribable. The show was a dream. The last year the band return for the Chile, and obviously I saw them again. This show was better that the 2012. The band played my favorite song "The decline", in this moment I remember much things, especially my childhood listening Nofx and practice skate. Beatiful memories.

Well, for finish my post I leave a photo in wich I appear with red shirt and black jeans.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hello everyboy

I todoy going to talk about the I would like to learn to do. When I was little I practiced skate. I was very happy with my skate. Thanks the skate I knew much people and great friends. Although I was very bad for made tricks, and usually I lost the "poseros", but I enjoyed much practice skate, because thanks for this sport I can free for sometimes. It's was great. Sadly, when I entered the university for theme of time I must leave the skate. I would in the future return practice skate how in the old days, and the possible, to learn new tricks.

Other things that I would like to learn to do is play guitar nice. When I have 15 years old my fathers bought me a guitar. Two years after I bought other guitar, but never I learned play the guitar nice :( I know the chords basic, some songs, but only things basic. I think that I play bad guitar because I've never had much motivation for to learn. Sometimes I play guitar everydays and other times I do not play guitar for many weeks. I would that in the future have much motivation and learn play guitar how a true guitarist... dreaming is free :( hahaha

Ultimately, other things that I would like is drive nice. This years I learned drive the cars, but still I do not drive good. I think the with the time I would learn to drive of nice way, and maybe, in the future be the next Brian O'conner haha.

Thanks you for read my post. Bye!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Hello everyone!

Today I going to talk about Santiago. I was born in San Fernando, sixth region. This city is very calm and boring. Nothing ever happens. I can calm walk at the 5 am alone for all city, and I never see someone, In this city the air is clean and fresh. The travel inside of city are of 15 or 20 minutes walk. This is great, but Santiago is the opposite.

When I arrive the Santiago I had fear that was mugged. It´s was horrible, but for luck has never happened. The travel since one place to other are very large. Two hours above a "transantiago" is disgusting. Everybody fight for take locomotion. In Santiago the people only live their life, they do not care the other person, and their happiness is go to mall one time for week. Is sadly see those scene...

Wich change I make for the Santiago? I don't know. When seven millions of people life individually in a big city, when their fight people should fight for have the few opportunities that exist, when they beliefe that all is good, is dificult believe in a change in the short time.

Well, this was my opinion about Santiago. Bye!

Why I study sociology

Hi teacher and classmates.

Today i going to talk about why I choose study sociology.

When I was a children never understand why some people have more dinners or possession that other people. In my opinion this was stupid. If everybody are same, why there were different between the people? Is for this reason that since very little I started find any answer why there are big different between people. Search a answeer for this ask, is a task very difficult, for not say impossible. I started research the past through movies or books, but it's was not enough. I need of other discipline for understand why any peolple have better style of life that other. Here I arrive to sociology, because this discipline joint much aspect of other discipline, for expample, history, anthropology, psychology, economy, etc, ¡I like immediately this discipline!

Before enter to university I had the doubt of study sociology or history. It's was a very difficult decision. But, I belive that I choose the best decision. Thanks to the sociology I can study much aspect of the our society, for example, inequalities social, trends, aspect economic, culture, sports. ¡Are much different thems!. Besides with the study of this thems I will help other people, and to improve their life.

I think the best subject at the moment is "Historia social de latinoamerica" because thanks to this subjet I can understand how is the history of Latinoamerica, and how the sociology it was given a interpretation this reality. ¡It's was a great subjet!

Well, this was my presentation, thans you for read!. Regards.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Good afternoon teacher and classmates

Today I going to talk about the themes veyr important in our department and university, this themes are the strikings and demonstrating.

The strikings and demonstrating in all history were utilized for say the discontented of the people. Thanks to striking much workers and students were won much ritghts and earning. Not there are doubt that this method of fight is beneficial, but depend of the moments.

The 2011 meant a big event to movement student and union of workers. In this year many country were pending of that happened in Chile, It's was great. Sadly after of the death of Felipe Camiroaga all movement decline, but somebody were begin to have conscience that how is the inequality and injustice in our country.
Five years after, in the sphere institutional, the things continue same.

The last year I lived my firts strike. The first days were great and beatiful. I'm made the revolution! hahaha. But after the two month of fight and rebellion, all end. Why finished? I don't know, because when end the striking the teachers are movilized in all country. It was a  perfect time to be movilized joined the teachers and other socials actors. But the university finished the movilized. I never understand why this decision.

I think that this month we will start the strike, this strike won't have real importance, because currently, in my opinion, there are not fact that merit a big change. Is sadly, but is the reality. I think that to make a strike and this have relevance is need that there are many socials movement and diferent  group of social that support the movilized, situation that not happend in the currently.

This is my opinion. Bye.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Good afternoon everybody

Today I'm going to talk about the fear Hooligans. Currently we can associate this groups with "barras bravas" in Chile.

The Hooligans were in the decade of 70' in England and great part of Europe. The Hooligans were people who were fans of teams of soccer, but this fans fought with another fans of other teams almost every match. This fight was only with bents and kicks, without stnone, chain, iron, weapon.

At firt the hooligans was accept by the government of Margaret Thatcher because this people have a very strong sentiment nationalism, and this was why she likes. But later was rejected because this people caused much death and injured. Besides, sometimes the match were cancelled because the Hooligans begun to fight and they was provocative much disturbance in the gallery of stadium. For this reason the Hooligans begun follow and punish.

Currently the Hooligans was eliminated of the stadium in Europa. In Europe the can go to stadium and stay all match sitting, but, is very boring see match of this way!.

Actually in Chile was speaking much about thems of "barras bravas". Much people belief in eliminated this group, but how eliminated this groups of people? In my opinion is impossible. The violence be in our society. I think that in truth they kick off the violence of stadium must make other ruler, how example better stadium, segurity, have a control of a person that go to stadium, among other. Maybe this forms the violence start decrease.

Well, this was my thems. Regards!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

My experience in the presentation.

Hello everybody

Today I going to talk about how was my presentation of inglish III. My presentation was of different type of domination that proposse Max Weber. I like much this theme, because is about a theme very relevant how is the domination in the society. Besides this autor is some a most important for the sociology modern.

Before of the presentation I was nervous because my pronunciation in inglish not is good, in addition I think that my presentation was be bad. I have much fear!

But I made my presentation better how I think. This was because I prepared much the presentation, was many hours and days of work hahaha. However, after my presentation the teacher say me that repeat the presentation beacause this was very short. In the second time I speak more slow and calmed, and my presentation, in my opinion, was better that the first step.

Well, this was my expericience in this presentation.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dino completos

Hello everyone

Today I'm will speak about the famous "Dinocompletos". In fact I seldom going to local of foods but when I was a child always eat "completos" with my friends in the "Dinocompletos". This "completos" was very tasty and cheap.

This local is located in the city San Fernando.  "Dinocompletos" have "completos" and "churrascos" very big. Their service is good because pay attetion very fast, In less 5 minutes I have a foods delicious, It's was great.

Why the local have their name i don´t know, but it was name, very original.

Sadly this local must close in the years 2014, because how 300 persons was intoxicate after foods a "completo" in my prefer local of San Fernnado. The whole city was mourned. It´s was a big lose for my city.

Without this yeas was created a local same the "Dinocompletos", thei local is called "La gorda extrema", and have "completos" very delicious, big and cheap. The happiness come back to San Fernando!

Well, this was my prefer local of foods. I hope that everybody visit San Fernando can eat a "completo" in the "La gorda extrema". They won't regreat.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Hello classmates and teacher!

For the first question it was interesting find computer desk with diferent price. Because is possible identify different model of desk but all have same function, only change their appearance. I chosen the next computer desk;

In the second activity of a total of 10 question I had 7 question correct, and the second item I had 40 points. This show my little knowledge about the thems of computer. This activity was hard to make, because I dont' know almost nothing about computer.

The third activity was the most time take finalize because there are word that I don´t know their meaning in spanish. For this reason I should find the meaning of a word in a dictionary.

Finally, in the activity fourth I chosen the article about the double rainbows. This article have a title and image unusual because I never look a double rainbows because. Howeve I was surprised when I read that image of the double rainbows was false It was very beatiful and unusual to be true!. 

Well, and this is the list of word that I don't know:

Might = Poder
Feat = Hazaña
Thrill = Emoción.
Seeing = Viendo.
Astonishing = Asombroso.
Rainbows = Arcoiris.
Get = Obtener.
If = Si.
Deserves = Merece.
Twice = Dos veces.
Sends = Envía.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

My favorite piece technology.

My favorite piece of technology is the headphones. Is very difficult say since I have the headphone because I always must buy news headphone. Is very little their life, or maybe, I don't take care of my things.

I generally used the headphone when I'm in the street, they are my best friends in this moment. There are times I used the headphone for many hours. Other time I utilized the headphone is when travel. It's travels some times are for 4 or 5 hours, in where all time I'm  accompanied with my headphone. This travels are great!

I used this piece technology usually everyday. There are times in wich I don't find my headphone and I find much time until discover. This moments is magnificent!

This simple piece technology is the best friends in wich moments that I'm alone. The headphone permit make happy or remember good moments. I dont't imagine a world without headphone. Do you imagine a world in where everybody listen to music with megaphone? This world would a big chaos. Because I dont't prefer imagine my life and a world without headphone.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Well, this place is the "Niebla". I traveled to Niebla in the month february of this year. I seem this place is very interesting visit because can know a little history of Chile.
I don't taken this photo because in this moments i don't have a good camera. I  found this photo in internet and think is great. In this photo can you see the canons were used for defense the territory of the spanish crown, but this canons never shot. When i arrive to Niebla there is a guiade that show me military resilients. I end very tired the tour for Niebla. This place have much rise and descent and is big.
Go to Niebla is easy, because since Valdivia to Niebla travel many bus everyday, and is cheap. Is totally appealling for everybody. Besides in this place there are a beatiful beach.
I wait that you know Niebla, regards.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Know about my life

Hello, my name is Danilo Tapia Morales. I was born in the citiy of San Fernando, Chile. In the current I study sociology in the "universidad de Chile", this force me change residence to Santiago.In my city i live with my fathers and my sister old. Besides i have three dogs and one cat. When was small i like practice in my skate, because is a sport very entertaiment and permit know much people with interest similar. Sadly i had to leave this sport because i dont have much time in the university.

This was a litle presentation of my life and personal likes. Regards friends!