Thursday, May 19, 2016


Good afternoon teacher and classmates

Today I going to talk about the themes veyr important in our department and university, this themes are the strikings and demonstrating.

The strikings and demonstrating in all history were utilized for say the discontented of the people. Thanks to striking much workers and students were won much ritghts and earning. Not there are doubt that this method of fight is beneficial, but depend of the moments.

The 2011 meant a big event to movement student and union of workers. In this year many country were pending of that happened in Chile, It's was great. Sadly after of the death of Felipe Camiroaga all movement decline, but somebody were begin to have conscience that how is the inequality and injustice in our country.
Five years after, in the sphere institutional, the things continue same.

The last year I lived my firts strike. The first days were great and beatiful. I'm made the revolution! hahaha. But after the two month of fight and rebellion, all end. Why finished? I don't know, because when end the striking the teachers are movilized in all country. It was a  perfect time to be movilized joined the teachers and other socials actors. But the university finished the movilized. I never understand why this decision.

I think that this month we will start the strike, this strike won't have real importance, because currently, in my opinion, there are not fact that merit a big change. Is sadly, but is the reality. I think that to make a strike and this have relevance is need that there are many socials movement and diferent  group of social that support the movilized, situation that not happend in the currently.

This is my opinion. Bye.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Good afternoon everybody

Today I'm going to talk about the fear Hooligans. Currently we can associate this groups with "barras bravas" in Chile.

The Hooligans were in the decade of 70' in England and great part of Europe. The Hooligans were people who were fans of teams of soccer, but this fans fought with another fans of other teams almost every match. This fight was only with bents and kicks, without stnone, chain, iron, weapon.

At firt the hooligans was accept by the government of Margaret Thatcher because this people have a very strong sentiment nationalism, and this was why she likes. But later was rejected because this people caused much death and injured. Besides, sometimes the match were cancelled because the Hooligans begun to fight and they was provocative much disturbance in the gallery of stadium. For this reason the Hooligans begun follow and punish.

Currently the Hooligans was eliminated of the stadium in Europa. In Europe the can go to stadium and stay all match sitting, but, is very boring see match of this way!.

Actually in Chile was speaking much about thems of "barras bravas". Much people belief in eliminated this group, but how eliminated this groups of people? In my opinion is impossible. The violence be in our society. I think that in truth they kick off the violence of stadium must make other ruler, how example better stadium, segurity, have a control of a person that go to stadium, among other. Maybe this forms the violence start decrease.

Well, this was my thems. Regards!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

My experience in the presentation.

Hello everybody

Today I going to talk about how was my presentation of inglish III. My presentation was of different type of domination that proposse Max Weber. I like much this theme, because is about a theme very relevant how is the domination in the society. Besides this autor is some a most important for the sociology modern.

Before of the presentation I was nervous because my pronunciation in inglish not is good, in addition I think that my presentation was be bad. I have much fear!

But I made my presentation better how I think. This was because I prepared much the presentation, was many hours and days of work hahaha. However, after my presentation the teacher say me that repeat the presentation beacause this was very short. In the second time I speak more slow and calmed, and my presentation, in my opinion, was better that the first step.

Well, this was my expericience in this presentation.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dino completos

Hello everyone

Today I'm will speak about the famous "Dinocompletos". In fact I seldom going to local of foods but when I was a child always eat "completos" with my friends in the "Dinocompletos". This "completos" was very tasty and cheap.

This local is located in the city San Fernando.  "Dinocompletos" have "completos" and "churrascos" very big. Their service is good because pay attetion very fast, In less 5 minutes I have a foods delicious, It's was great.

Why the local have their name i don´t know, but it was name, very original.

Sadly this local must close in the years 2014, because how 300 persons was intoxicate after foods a "completo" in my prefer local of San Fernnado. The whole city was mourned. It´s was a big lose for my city.

Without this yeas was created a local same the "Dinocompletos", thei local is called "La gorda extrema", and have "completos" very delicious, big and cheap. The happiness come back to San Fernando!

Well, this was my prefer local of foods. I hope that everybody visit San Fernando can eat a "completo" in the "La gorda extrema". They won't regreat.
